S+T+ARTS4Water II umjetnička rezidencija na Visu


ZMAG-ov projekt "Cisterns Meet Modern Tech – Circular Water Systems as a Convivial Tool" jedan je od pobjedničkih projekata na  "S+T+ARTS4Water" otvorenom pozivu!

Kao pobjednici poziva, imat ćemo zadovoljstvo sudjelovati u umjetničkim rezidencijama u Hrvatskoj čiji je domaćin organizacija Drugo more. MATKO ŠIŠAK i KASIA MOLGA radit će na inovativnim projektima koji kombiniraju umjetnost, tehnologiju i znanost kako bi se suočili s izazovima okoliša vezanim uz vodu kao resurs!

Čestitke i ostalim odabranim dobitnicima – Lauren Moffat, SiobhanMcDonald, Kat Austen, Lara Tabet, Honoré d'O, Plastique Fantastique, StijnDemeulenaere, Teritorijalna agencija, Carlos Monnleon Gendall, Lili Carr, ErzeDinarama, Marko Vivoda, Hypercomf, Carlos Casas, Nandita Kumar, Adelita Husni Bey,Arcangelo Constantini i Michael Pinsky – koji će raditi diljem Europe s projektnim partnerima!

Više o STARTS inicijativi koju je pokrenula Europska komisija i odabranim projektima pročitajte na web stranici: https://starts.eu/starts4water-ii-residencies/

Najavu Matkovog projekta donosimo u nastavku:
Matko Šišak – Cisterns Meet Modern Tech – Circular Water Systems as a Convivial Tool
S+T+ARTS4Water II Residency on the island of Vis, Croatia

> https://starts.eu/matko-sisak-starts4water-ii/

The island of Vis is one of the farthest inhabited islands of Croatia, about 50 km away from the mainland. It is one of the rare Adriatic islands with its own natural sources of drinking water from natural spring water reservoirs. However, due to global tourism and further urbanization of the island, these sources and the future of water supply are in danger. Already now during summers and high season, there can be water rationing. At the same time, climate crisis and continuous heatwaves are forcing the local population to again deploy traditional methods of collecting rainwater (through dry stone walling) that were used for centuries and ever since the island was colonized by the ancient Greeks some 2,400 years ago.

The Island School of Autonomy (ISSA), a place for imagining, experimenting and cultivating forms of knowledge production, based on the island Vis already started by reconstructing old water tanks and using traditional methods and now wants to combine it with modern technologies (like cloud collectors, solar water pumps, open source technology) in order to build a sustainable water supply system that works with natural water cycles used also in other environments faced with similar challenges.

The project offers a sustainable solution for providing drinking water and treating wastewater. By integrating artistic elements into the design, it mimics the natural water cycle, following the permaculture principle of capturing and storing water. From rockslide installations to a greywater bio-treatment system, it will employ land art and permaculture landscape design that is both functional and artistically inspired. This circular system collects rainwater via a cistern, uses it in the household, purifies it in greywater ponds, and then redirects it for agricultural use or returns it to nature.

The project respects water as a shared resource, benefiting the local community by providing access to purified water. With its potential for broad impact, the project can be replicated in regions with similar climates and conditions.


Matko Šišak (HR), is a builder, artist, permaculture designer and educator. The initiator and manager of the Vukomerić Recycled Estate and one of the founders of ZMA (Green Network of Activist Groups). For the last 25 years, he has been researching, practicing and promoting ecological technologies and innovations in the fields of construction, do-it-yourself culture, land art and permaculture. Participated in the construction of around 50 natural and organic buildings of various typologies and purposes. As an educator, advisor and mentor, he systematically transfers knowledge from the aforementioned areas to the wider and expert public. He is the author of several publications and the editor of a dozen books from the “Zeleni alati” edition. Founder and leader of the Academy of Natural Construction and the Convention of Natural Construction. National Geographic’s 2018 Yellow


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